Mural, Mural On the Wall...

Last week, Maryam at My Marrakesh posted a piece on the mural she had commissioned for Peacock Pavilions. It might be one of the most stunning things I have EVER seen...

Working with a team from Modello Designs, they created this amazing piece of artistry out of inspiration taken from a Jean Lavin screen. (To see the whole process, visit their blog right here.)

How perfect is the little red bird as a special detail? I can only cross my fingers and hope to actually stay in such a gorgeous guestroom someday!

So tell me readers, would you ever add an intricate mural to your own home? I'm not usually a huge fan of the idea, but I do like these options...

The mural replaces the need for any large-scale artwork in this open room, and I love how the red curtains add to the graphic lines and details going on here.

Here, the mural sets a tone for the African-inspired decor - and placing it in a corner, like you would a real plant, makes it seem a bit more natural, don't you think?