Project Red Dress: The Runway Review!

Last week I mentioned I would be attending Project Red Dress with Stacy from the fabulous blog, La Boudoir. And since any runway event deserves a little review... here we go!

All the red dresses and the most impressive hair I've ever seen in a student runway show.

These were the judges top three picks, and ours too. In case you can't tell, I'm rooting for the first one. As Nick said, "it's a two-fer!" Take off the top, and you've got a hot little red jumpsuit under! (Which would you choose??)
stacy and cassandra details
Not gonna lie. We got a little bored waiting for the judges deliberating... so... fashion check. Lovin my new clutch from.... Forever21 (yup - on sale even!). Stacy's pearls were perfection. My dress? From here.

project red dress details
Still deliberating? Let's recap my favorite details. Fabulous chandelier at the Fairmont. Red gingham dress (definitely my pick out of all the red dresses seen that evening). Killer, KILLER boots. And, the best shoes on the runway by far.

And now for the winner...

Did you pick this one? I loved it, buuuuuut (can you see what's coming here?). The bow detail is such a trend right now, I kind of wished they had gone with my favorite - a little more original and definitely a bigger risk. Of course, all of the finalists did an amazing job, so congrats to all three!

For more photos from the event, pop over to photographer Barbie Hull's blog! Thanks for the use of some of your images, Barbie!