Words of Wisdom

Someone wise once said...

  • Home Should Make You Happy!
  • We swear by the 3 R’s: repaint, repaper, reupholster
  • Steal ideas from other people’s houses
  • Even the insides of the closets & cabinets can be beautiful
  • It’s ok to NOT BE finished
  • A chandelier is as timeless as a black dress
  • Renters need not be second class citizens
  • Sometimes your mistakes become your greatest inspirations
  • DON’T BE AFRAID TO MIX STYLES (Louis XIV and Eero Saarinen should hang out more often)

  • Who was it, you might ask? In fact, it is the Domino Manifesto.

    I think we are all sad about the demise of Domino, but I hadn't really thought much past the loss of my treasured saturday morning with my glossy and my latte. In fact, the heart of the mag is found hidden in the shopping tips it divulged. It opened up the idea of style, design and caring for where we live and putting intention behind what we do to a much broader audience. Sure I can flip through an Elle Decor but will never speak to me in quite the same way. 

    For more reminders of why we should all stand up in support of independent spirit, resourcefulness and unique style look here and here. I hope the we can use blogland to carry Domino's sentiment on.