Happy (Fancy Free) Weekend!

This weekend has so much in store for me...
... but what do I really want to do? Roam the streets of some amazing city I've never been to. Shop for ridiculously priced shoes. Twirl in a dress that makes me feel gorgeous...
Soak in some summer sunshine, stay up way too late, dine in a fabulous restaurant, drink champagne all day long...
Wake up in the same outfit I wore the night before... and look this good... I think I may just have to squeeze in a few of these.

Have a fabulous weekend lovelies! And, if you want to see what a real day in the life of coco+kelley looks like, pop over to High-Heeled Foot in the Door where Camila has featured me as a part of her In Her Shoes series!

xo, cassandra

*photography by luigi cassinelli, erez sabag and jonas hallberg