I Need A Vacation (And YOU!)

Oh vacations... they always seem like such a good idea. Relaxing on a beach. Exploring new cities. Dining in fabulous restaurants. Sitting in long lines at the airport. Lost luggage. Returning to 5,000 emails in your inbox...
As much as I'd like to hop on a plane right this second, I also know that before I can afford the real vacation, I need to take a little time off to catch up on real projects too. So, throughout the month of August my own posts here on coco+kelley will be slowing down, but I'm hoping you'll help me pick up the slack while I work on putting up the wedding blog, finishing some client projects and finally really settling in to my new home.
So, here's the scoop - I want to spend August knowing what you would do on your vacations - preferably with some gorgeous photos to illustrate. Perhaps you'd spend it shopping in Paris? Fabulous! Share your favorite summer looks with us. Maybe you'd rather just be lazing in the sunshine? Redecorating your dream home? Entertaining friends? Whatever it is you wish you were doing with these sunny summer days, I want to know!
I'll be accepting post submissions for the next two weeks, and will kick off August with my own little dream vacation post. Now the details...

*1. Please create a post using your own blog platform, then cut/paste the code into an email for me to copy - it's the easiest way to ensure accurate content! If you don't have a blog, simply email me the content.
*2. Images must be able to be sized at 500px wide. You can attach them to your email, or share them via flickr.
*3. Please limit your post to no more than five photos, and provide links to each source. Don't feel like the post has to be long though! One photo of your dream locale (make it a good one!) would work just fine!
*4. Don't forget to introduce yourself with a link to your blog!
*5. Have fun! Let your own voice shine through! But, please try to keep in mind the type of content you see here daily at coco+kelley and make your post relevant or it may not be included.

Questions? Feel free to email me! cocokelley (at) gmail (dot) com. I will try to let you all know in advance when your post will be occurring, so feel free to post that day on your own blog if you have one! (Also feel free to repost this project on your own blog to spread the word!)

Thank you all so much in advance for your participation and help! I cannot wait to see the variety of posts all you creative people come up with!


*photography via fashiontoast