Room of the Week: A House in Venice

Yes, I know you were all thinking Italy, but no. This is the other Venice - which is actually a bit more near and dear to my heart because it's the neighborhood I grew up in! So, when I discovered this home designed by Jamie Bush, I totally fell in love with its retro beach vibe - if only for nostalgia's sake...
Talk about a flashback! But, do you spy what I spy? Check out the fab cork lamp, and those amazing side tables! And the double mirrors in the corner are an interesting trick for the eye. Certainly opens the space up, doesn't it?
The lotus chandelier in the living room is also in the dining area. I like how they kept this a bit more modern with marble flooring and clean lines, but a retro orange to tie it into the living space. A glimpse down a hallway reveals how eclectic this home truly is - mustard yellow piano anyone??
What could be a shagadelic bedroom gets lovely with lilac curtains - a very rich and somewhat retro concept, but well done in this case, I think. This room does an excellent job of blending the two styles of the home into one space. And, oh yes, I'll take that patio too.

What do you think? Could you live with this? I think the living room might be a bit much for me, but the space itself seems simply fantastic!