Perfect Partnership

While I can certainly say I got everything for my birthday that I'd wished for and more, the driving rain and 30 degree temperature difference that I returned home to has me pining for a fabulous raincoat.

That's why I was so excited to hear about Art of the Trench, the brilliant collaboration between Burberry and the Sartorialist, capturing Burberry trenches seen around the world. 

You can search by style, color, or weather condition (wet, cloudy, or bright - love it!) and drool over stylish Burberry-clad women, men and even children. 

I also wanted to say an official thank you to everyone for the birthday well-wishes, comments and emails. They made the day that much brighter. I really did feel like a queen for a day. In fact, I'd like to say thank you with a proper gift. Click here to learn more!