My Bliss {The Love List}

My bliss? Simple. My work. I know, I know (gag) shameless self-plug. But I'm sorry, it's true! I love waking up in the morning and walking (down the hall) into my studio, cup of tea in-hand, ready to start the day. As a graphic designer I've found an amazing niche of designers, retailers, bloggers, and other creatives who put their trust in me to build their brands, help them with everything from names to logos, and design all kinds of fun things -- from full websites and blogs to hang tags, concert posters, and party invitations. I have an amazing team of girls (and one guy!) who help me in all aspects of business at Front Porch Studio and my blog, The Love List. Let me tell you -- their lives are rough. Aside from the occasional Starbucks run, I make them do all kinds of awful things like pull tear sheets, twitter, and conduct interviews ;) I know how lucky I am, so my bliss is simple - I'm thankful every day that I get to wear all of my favorite hats; writer, designer, consultant, and publicist.

Here's a peek into my studio -- little #17 might be small, but she is mighty! I had fun decorating it with a mix of high (John Robshaw pillows), low (Pier 1 etagere), and sentimental (framed mementos and family heirlooms).

What's your bliss? Okay, so I realize for all of you it may not be work, but I'll be reading comments today to hear where you guys find it. Maybe it's in a bubble bath.. or maybe it's at a little cafe in Paris! Maybe its snuggling with your pup or eating a great meal - no matter what it is, I find that readers always offer the best inspiration, so I can't wait to hear where you find yours ;)