We all know that design is a universal language, but I'd never really thought about doing a series that focuses on taking international design in the fashion and interior world and showing how to easily apply it to our own lives. Well, Cristina did. She's the lovely blogger behind Fuji Files (adorable!) and this is her submission... 
I love to take inspiration from high style fashion and interiors from around the world and break them down to bite size portions for every home and wardrobe. Vogue and Architectural Digest are fabulous and I'd die (DIE!) to own those pieces, but until then it'll take a bit of ingenuity to relate those images to my own style, and soon hopefully yours!
This gorgeous living room was created by one of my favorite interior design practices, Ashe + Leandro. White walls, natural light, ceiling beams - this space has a lot going for it, but it also offers a unique opportunity...

The chance to dig out my old Mexican Sarape (acquired on a college Spring Break) to be reincarnated in a slightly more tasteful setting. It adds that punch of color to punctuate any neutral background, reminds you of sun-drenched holidays, and most of all, creates a casual and inviting place to take a seat.

Of course the same concept lends itself to fashion by draping a colorful scarf over a casual white dress. In this instance I'm drawing inspiration from colorful scarves worn in Thailand.
You can find the gorgeous scarf at, a Swedish website with some great products. The dress and shoes are available at, and the earrings are from

I hope you've enjoyed this little taste of international design and style!
Love the pop of colour against all the bright white, Cristina! What do you all think of this idea for a series??