My Bliss {A Diary of a Lovely}

Hello all, I'm Helena from A Diary of Lovely. I'm really excited to be guest posting here at Erin´s home while she is enjoying the married life. I'm really excited for gorgeous Erin, she is entering an incredible new adventure in her life and I wish her all the best from the bottom of my heart (and I can't wait to see the result of her amazing wedding when she comes back).

When Erin asked me to be part of her guest bloggers I said yes immediately, I'm really honored to be here and very excited to write about what makes me bliss. Now of course, I'm torn, because to be honest, too many things make me bliss. My family and boyfriend and happiness of course in general. But this is about lighter things and at the moment what really makes me bliss and go "aaaah" and "oooh" are gorgeous colorful scarves. I wear scarves all year long so you can imagine I have a good collection, it's one of the many things I really enjoy buying. Scarves can be worn in so many ways and can dramatically change any possible look. They can add sparkle, coolness, sophistication, anything goes with the right scarf. Here are some of my faves.

I know it's spring time and that I should be thinking about bikinis and sandals but here it's still on the cold side so I couldn't pass this chance to share my passion about scarves. Can you tell that I also love street style? Blissful! 

Thank you Erin, this has been so much fun! Be happy! 
