Whenever I'm in need of an inspiration refresh, I sit down and go through my files, pulling out the images that are speaking to me the most. Going through more current tear sheets usually results in a trend-inspired bulletin board (which I'll be sharing with you soon!), but perusing my older digital files helps me see how my mind is processing old details in new ways or what styles I'm being drawn to most as we head into the next few months...

peach+sage+summer rooms
Summer has finally graced us with its presence and I'm in a whitewashed state of mind with accents of apricot and pistachio that welcome beach inspired living. There's a movement to everything as doors are opened wide to let in cool breezes and visitors...

inspiration files rooms
There's a stillness to that final full month of summer. The natural light floods in and we relish quiet moments away from our busy calendars, languid in the heavy light. Neutrals laced with rich blues and pretty patterns still feel fresh, but there's a richness that seeps in along with the shorter days...

inspiration files3
Richer tones start to reappear as the seasons begin to change. Not quite ready to give in, we stick with a playful fuchsia the color of berry stained fingers that still remind us of summer, pairing it with casual stripes or fresh white to keep things light as we start to cozy into fall...

*rooms via lisa sherry, martha stewart, domino, tumblr, unknown, sharyn cairns, domino, decorpad