Whew! It's been another very busy week around here at coco+kelley, wouldn't you say? On top of the usual posts, we've been hard at work getting ready to launch the first week of contributing writers starting on Tuesday (SO excited!) as well as putting together a little guest post for our friend Tobi Fairley over at her blog (fashionable summer camp necessities, anyone?).
But what got me really excited this week was yesterday's post on Cote´ Maison ranking coco+kelley as their 4th favorite English design blog in the world ... listed just behind the big boys: Apartment Therapy, design*sponge and decor8. I'm still giddy and astonished! A huge congrats to all the other bloggers who were mentioned as well - it's a fabulous group!
While I wish I could say things were slowing down for the weekend, the truth is there is lots of client work to be done and sunny porch time to be had, so I'm off and running! In the meantime I'll be dreaming of this gorgeous Italian escape with visions of its whitewashed walls and fluffy pillows in my head...


*photography via cote´ maison