A Year of Playing Footsie

I've never been a fan of the new year's resolution. They always feel like a rule or a broken promise. I much prefer the idea of a new goal or to-do list - something more manageable in the midst of a crazy day-to-day of life. 

There are plenty of brilliant ideas to chose from. Like Anne's new year's meditation, Stacy's to do's or Cassandra's Christmas wish. And in these times, I'm truly inspired by Jo's idea from last year. I've been narrowing down my new years to do's into a few key areas that I'm going to focus on in 2009 and my #1 is relationships.

Just a little time to cuddle up with the ones I love.

You'd think your most important relationships would never fall to the bottom of the list but it always seems like the first to go. So my first goal/to do/promise for 2009 is to snuggle up close and play footsie as often as I can! 

photo via le love

If you need more inspiration check out Joanna's engagement photos. They'll definitely inspire you double check your priorities!