With God As My Witness...

When I was at an age when any normal little girl should have completely lost interest in a movie as long as "Gone With The Wind," I remember sitting on the couch in the living room, home sick from school, watching the ENTIRE THING. I was captivated.

I wanted to be Scarlett O'Hara in all her sassy, pouty, ridiculous, tantrum throwing, adulteress, fashionable glory. (Which really explains a lot about me, actually...) But more importantly, I loved that scene where she determinately tore down those curtains and crafted them into a lavish green velvet gown that (if I recall correctly) somehow managed to save Tara.

Think about it. This could be the original 'Rooms from the Runway' moment! Except in reverse of course...

So what's my point?

Well, friends, I'm starting a list of 'must see' movies that have nothing to do with plot (although that certainly helps) and everything to do with visual inspiration. They can be classics or fresh out in the theater, but I'm interested in knowing... what movies have inspired you? Marie Antoinette would certainly top my list. A more random selection would be Meet Joe Black... the whole movie had a certain Gatsby-esque quality to it that I just can't resist. So, help a sassy, pouty, ridiculous, tantrum throwing, adulteress, fashionable girl out. What's on your list?

Calling in Sick

I had a nasty little cold hit me this weekend, preventing me from checking off my huge list of to do's, but giving me a very good excuse to stay home and sleep in late... so today I'm calling in sick with the promise of a new post tomorrow!

Thanks to everyone who commented on my new banner. I love it! And, if you need something to do keep you busy today, I have updated my blogroll with some new talent, and Erin has a new post over at Apartment #34.

See you all tomorrow!

Nobody liks mold

Obviously, everyone hates the slimy, gross smelling, disease causing mold. But in the décor world, it seems nearly required that one love molding. I, however, have an overabundance of crown molding in my apartment and I’ve struggled with it since the day I moved in. My recent paint color choices have felt hampered by the rows upon rows of crown molding. Then, it suddenly dawned on me – I could just get rid of it. My soul may be damned to décor hell, but at least in this life I’d have walls I can work with.

Don’t get me wrong, I generally adore crown molding. It adds interest , it adds a nice finish, it looks classy. But in my shoebox, uber amounts of crown molding is limiting my decor options.

In a small space you want to be able use everything you have, from floor to ceiling, like you can do in the rooms from Living Etc and Desire to Inspire below. See how your eye can travel without tripping over visual roadblocks of crown molding.

Crown molding can also do great things to a room like these two show. In the first shot the molding beautifually frames the space and creates interest. The traditional room isn't exactly my style but I can appreciate it. And the more modern take illustrates how molding can do great things for what would otherwise be a bland empty wall space.

But the picture rail I have going around my entire livingroom makes it harder to pick paint colors, harder to furnish, impossible to hang art – it’s just hard to work around. Take a look at my bedroom vs. my livingroom. My bedroom has crown molding at about 10 feet up but no picture rail. I think the room feels more open, less formal and much more flexible. The first shot is before I took the wallpaper down, the second is after. I painted the wallspace above the crown molding chocolate brown when I first moved in, but it'll all go to neutral pretty soon.

When you look at my livingroom, you see this picture rail at about 5 1/2 feet high and then another strip of molding at the 10ft mark. Your eye moves over the base molding, the picture rail, the midwall molding and then molding at the top of the 12 ft ceilings. I think its just too much.

So there you have it. I've decided that the picture rail is coming down. I am prepared to face the decor firing squad. Ready. Aim. FIRE!

coco + kelley updates!

Hey everyone! I'm so excited for the small changes and updates that have gone on this month, starting with my new banner that I finally posted up last night. It's nothin' fancy, but I really wanted to get some color up on this page, and that did the trick!

I will be updating my blogroll today... if you are still interested in doing the link exchange, please email me asap!

A few other FYI's...

On April 15th, Design*Sponge will hosting a Biz Ladies meetup in LA! I've already RSVP'd and you should too :) Follow the link for more info!

The Renovation of Apartment #34 has moved to its own blogspace right here! If you've been following Erin's foray into the design world, you can now keep up with all the little details on this blog dedicated to our design schemes and dreams for her little condo. I will continue to do updates on the weekends as well.

No post for me tomorrow as I have a very full day off planned, so have a wonderful breezy weekend everyone... and if you need an inspiration fix, check these out for some weekend eye candy...

All Things Bright and Beautiful's post on a series of amazing fashion photographs from Melvin Sokolsky.

A gorgeous flurry of (more!) butterflies as recycled art posted at Happy Mundane.

And Seattle's answer to The Sartorialist, Pike/Pine (a reference to the area connecting downtown Seattle to Capitol Hill known as the Pike/Pine corridor). Not an easy feat considering that Seattle is not exactly known for its style... but it's getting there!

Room of the Week 3.27

Inspired by Kate's post over at Girl Meets Glamour earlier this with some seriously gorgeous work spaces, I decided to make this week's Room of the Week this casual space that resembles my own ideal work space.

Image from House Beautiful via Absolutely Beautiful Things.

A cozy little nook to catch up on magazine reading, a nice worn in table (already got one!), a comfy work chair, and fresh white paint. Just add a wall of storage and bulletin boards, and I'm good to go! I also love combination of country meets eastern influences with the mesh of the fabrics used in the window seat pillows with the farm table and striped rug.

I Love...

This amazing, glamorous, intriguing, social statement of a cabinet from Moss.

The shape alone is simply stunning. But what's even more interesting is what lies in the details of the doors...

The description online explains, 'With clouds of pollution belching from towering smoke stacks, missiles and falcons and gas masks, warplanes and wrenches adorning golden surfaces, Robber Baron celebrates and shames both Art and Industry.'

'Their mirror finish reflecting the outrageous excesses of America's 19th century tycoons and Russia's new oligarchs, these surreal, highly-expressive furnishings, each a complex composition of multiple visual elements, represent an interior belonging to a powerful industrial leader, or their heirs.'

It's rare that I look at a piece of art functioning as furniture (or vice versa) and actually like it. Or GET it. But this one takes exception. Is the giant hole in the middle an ode to the destruction of bombs? Perhaps. Is it gorgeous? Definitely. What are your thoughts on a piece of furniture functioning as art or making a social statement? Chic? Obnoxious? Do tell...

Mirror Mirror on the Floor...

Here's a horrible reality: I have no full length mirror in my apartment. Honestly, I don't know how I leave the house in the morning. I have to climb up onto my toilet seat to get a good look at my outfit in the bathroom mirror... or sneak into my roommates room to take a peek in his closet door. How did the boy end up with the mirrored doors anyway? Which leads me to this little piece of inspiration...

This lovely airy hallway from Living Etc is just my style, and just what I need. I have my own long hallway that could use a little opening up, and putting a mirror at the end of it would offer a little once over before I head out the door. So, I've officially started my search. I want something big, but thin, not too ornate, but plenty of character...

This mirror from Brocade Home is about the size and style I'd like, and it's got great detail (also comes in black and white!).

In my dream world, I would pick these gorgeous vintage pieces from Mecox Gardens. Huge, grey, shabby... LOVE THEM! Unfortunately not only are they completely out of my budget, they're way too big. Mecox also had a few others that I loved...

I kind of adore the white... and found a similar one with a little lower pricetag at Koo de Kir. Still a bit pricey though...

This one from Jayson Home & Garden is even more simple (and more affordable!)

If I didn't need the mirror to be so functional, I would pick these window pane mirrors from Ballard Designs up in a heartbeat!

Of course, if we go back to the original inspiration room... this one from Graham & Green might just be the winner...

Has anyone else seen a mirror they think would work? I have a feeling I'll be hunting through thrift stores and flea markets to find just the right one...

Drowning in Yellow

Saturated in yellow and sunshine, this photo from the great Paul Costello has had me smiling all morning. Just thought I'd share...

I've got a busy busy week ahead so excuse the minimal postings... I'll be back with more soon!

Butterflies Are Free

I haven't really thought of using butterflies in decor since I was in Jr. High. That was right about the time everyone started getting butterfly tattoos, Drew Barrymore was still in her hippie daisy child phase, and I totally worshiped her style. Well, Drew has grown up (as evidenced by this month's much hyped Domino), and so has butterfly decor.

Visiting Vivre the other day I noticed the abundance of butterfly accessories... including these glamorous gilded chargers...

and this chic barware...

But it wasn't just on Vivre. Butterflies are everywhere! Remember Chassie Post's room from Domino Magazine a while back?

I love that wallpaper (from Schumacher), but I also love this simplified version as well from Misha's collection...

The best part is that is comes in a variety of colorways, which you can see right here.

Want more? How about these cut glass tumblers from Graham & Green?

Or these bowls from Anthropologie that I have adored for a while now?

Also lovin' the gilding on this garden stool from Horchow.

For a more subtle style of butterflies in decor, this pendant lamp from Rose and Radish should do the trick - whimsical, light and simple.

Renovation of Apartment #34 - Inspirations

In the beginning of this week, I introduced you to Erin and her condo in Seattle that she's begun renovating. Her first step was tearing down the wallpaper so she could begin with a blank canvas. Second step? Finding her inspiration. Because she identifies so well with fashion, I asked her to send colors and pieces from the runway as well as rooms to give you all an idea of her style.

That said, I've known this girl since Jr. High and I still couldn't completely define her. She's got an obsession with winter coats, which to me translates to her need to have a warm and cozy feel to her rooms, along with a touch of clean lines and maybe a little 'menswear' style? She's completely into the green movement, so a space that's organic with neutrals and nature inspired colors speaks to her senses. And, the girl's got attitude, so there's definitely gotta be a touch of glam. That's my take on her space... I'll let her explain the rest herself!

Thanks to everyone for the great comments and suggestions on my first post. I appreciated the input and the varying opinions. Exactly what I was hoping for, so keep it comin ya’ll!

To help facilitate that, I should probably begin at the beginning: what I want and what I got. Describing my personal style has proven exceedingly difficult. As Cass mentioned, I’ve always been the fashionista. Now I’m swimming in her pool and barely keeping my head above water. But if I must come up with a descriptor for my design aesthetic it would have to be "Sophisticated Modern". I like mid-mod simplicity and clean lines, but with a little sophistication dropped in to add some depth and warmth. I think there needs to be something unique, unexpected and personal in every space.

Here's what I'm going for...

First, I love the idea of taking fashion and translating it into a room. The cream and green suit by Oscar de la Renta on the left is a gorgeous mix of neutrals I love - creams, greys, greens and browns with accents of yellow, gold or silver. I see these gorgeous outfits translated into neutral walls and major furniture with accessories, pillows and lights that pop, shine, or glow.

When it comes to rooms I love they’ve got to have those clean mod lines but with surfaces you actually want to sit, lay or lounge on. I’m drawn to natural and environmentally friendly materials. Green all the way.

But translating the beautiful pics above into something I get to live in everyday is another thing entirely. I pick out shoes, not paint samples. So, the question this week is - what's the color scheme? Because all the rooms are fairly small and run into each other I want to make sure there is some consistency between the two - does anyone have suggestions on doing this without painting all the walls the same color? I'm totally attracted to grey right now, but want to make sure I don't get sick of it (especially living in a city as grey as Seattle!). What are your thoughts?? This week's post was meant to give you a better idea of my taste and style before jumping into the design, but I'm open to any ideas or suggestions you have on color before we start dipping into the paint (eeek!).

Renovation of Apartment #34 - All the World's a Rainbow

A few weeks back I introduced my friend Erin and her apartment. She's stripped down the wallpaper, and started the all consuming process of a minor renovation. When last we heard from her, she explained to us her inspirations and I could see her going more towards neutrals. Then, last week when I was in Seattle she surprised me with a huge pile of paint samples... all in white! Struggling with how to properly do color in her small space, she's decided to keep it open and airy... here's her post:

All the world's a rainbow... and all I see is white. Or off-white to be exact. With names like moonlight white, timid white, white wisp or white diamond. Don't get me wrong, I do love color, but in this renovation/rejuvenation of my place I've finally figured out that I'm trying to meld two objectives:

1)Turn my first home into a place that feels like my own AND
2)Create a space that future owners or renters can also easily see themselves in.

I mean come on – how long can a girl live in 475sq feet? Do you know how many pairs of shoes I have? I need to maximize the potential of the space rather than design with only my tastes and furniture in mind. Because of that, I think I need to stay within fairly neutral territory when it comes to choosing paint.

Lack of color, however, does not have to be boring! Here are some rooms from Living Etc that I've been drooling over and would love to emulate.

Since many of you asked for more photos of my place, I've provided a 360 (counterclockwise) view of my living room for you to inspect. This is the room I'm going to start on first (bedroom next!).

Enter through the front door and check your hair in either mirror (photo 1), plop down on my green chaise that I found at Chartreuse in Seattle (photo 2), then take a load off sitting under the window at either my little café table or my vintage white vinyl chair from Collective (if you live in Seattle - when the new location opens, go!) (photo 3), or watch a little TV sitting atop my West Elm shelving (photo 4). That's my bedroom door you're facing. You may also notice all my crown molding, picture rail, and woodwork (pics 1-4).

As girl on a budget, I have pieces in my living room that aren't going anywhere – the couch is here to stay (right now the only real color we need to work with) as are my dining table and my white vintage chair (I love it!). However I am open to bringing in a few new pieces. Possibilities include a new rug, a more open and light looking coffee table, and (fingers crossed) the perfect credenza to sit my TV on and hide all my ugly electronics.

The questions running through my head are these... Can I take something from Benjamin Moore's over 150 "off-whites" to turn my living room from girly dorm room to sophisticated mod? What would you do with all the crown molding? Accent color, or all white? Any tips for designing with white on white to make sure it's still warm?

I've been thinking about making things a little more interesting by painting the molding that creates a small archway between the "entry" and living room in an accent color. I think this will add some drama and clearly separate the space. I also have to deal with a bright pink radiator (how they got that paint to match the wallpaper so perfectly, I'll never know) so I'm considering painting the radiator the same accent color as the molding - maybe something like the grey in this room via Desire to Inspire.

These are just a few of the myriad ideas floating around in my head. I'd love your help dear Coco+Kelley readers. Now that I've gotten rid of the pink, what you would paint the walls and trim to create the Utter Gorgeousness I'm in desperate search of?

Introducing... The Renovation of Apt #34

Ok, so we don't have a catchy name for this weekly feature yet, but what we do have is an amazing little apartment in Seattle being renovated by one of my best friends.

Erin loves fashion like I love interior design. She's Elle, I'm Elle Decor. And each of us find inspiration in the other. So, when I need to find the perfect shoes, I go to her for advice. And when she decided it was time to renovate her place, she came to me. And we both decided that the best idea we've had in a while is to capture it all on a weekly weekend posting!

The 'dining room'. Kitchen doorway to the right, reading nook to the left.

Here's the scoop. Erin's place is a 475 sq ft with one bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen, and a little living space. The great hardwoods and decorative detailing give the space character. The wallpaper does not.

The bedroom with one random lone wall sconce.

Starting today, the renovation begins. It will continue every Saturday where we'll follow this project from beginning to end, asking you for advice, ideas, and maybe even a little constructive criticism :)

So, let's get this party started! Without further ado... Erin's first post!

There once was a girl who lived in a raspberry, or maybe a watermelon, you be the judge. All I know is it felt like I was living in Candyland and that had to change. However, being a first time homeowner, this is virgin territory - you mean I actually get to (have to?) make every decision on myself? Paint colors, flooring choices, lighting... I just opened a Pandora’s box of décor. Thrilling but also overwhelming.

I now have so many questions to answer, so many options to choose from – like a friend recently likened to me, its like planning a wedding – you have the overall vision for what you want the final product to look like but the devil is in the details.

The Adventure Begins: To Wallpaper or Not to Wallpaper?

Closeup of wallpaper in the bedroom.

That is the Question. The answer: NO! Please dear home decor lovers, do not torture the inheritors of your handiwork with the misery over removing some pattern you probably put up on a whim. No one puts up wallpaper and doesn't regret it later. Patterns are meant for pillows, seat coverings, perhaps the occasional piece of pop art, but not the entire wall (or apartment!)

Time to tear it down!

After more than 16 hours of steaming, tearing, pulling, and picking with my freakin’ fingernails I no longer live in Candyland. Instead I'm now in a construction zone, looking at bare sheet rock otherwise known as a blank canvas!

The bedroom with its chocolate brown trim.

The reading nook ready for inspiration.

Now the question is, what to paint?

I’m looking for a combo of clean and classic on the rocks, shaken with some warm and inviting, with a twist of chic to top it all off. But this is a huge decision – this is the foundation of every other choice I make going forward. Neutrals? Tans? Blues? Greens? What about trim? What about contrast, juxtaposition, uniformity. HELP!

So the first question is... if you were me, where would you start?