More From Paris with The Catskill Kiwi

My command of a language, other than English (which is sketchy at best) was proven to be hilarious and equally embarrassing, for all those present AND unexplainable – for some reason when panicked and faced with a barrage of French spoken at me, I revert to pigeon Spanish (?), which I also can’t speak, and just start spluttering GRACIA’S, GRACIA’S… to the peels of laughter and horror of my much chic-er friends.


Paris is really, really, really OLD.


Just some different modes of transportation...


In the courtyard of the very cool store, Merci, a Bambina as part of their garden shop display


Sitting around drinking countless cups of “grand creme” is a totally acceptable form of tourism in Paris.


Ahhhhhh. And THAT was Paris.