On Vacation With... Shelley Munro!

Hi! I’m a fairly new visitor to Coco & Kelley and have been enjoying my visits very much. My name is Shelley, I write romance and I live in New Zealand. It’s a small country of four million people, but we Kiwis love to travel. An overseas experience (OE for short) is a rite of passage for young New Zealanders, and I dreamed of far away exotic places for years before I took my very first plane trip out of the country.

I married young, and after lots of persuasive discussions, I convinced my husband that we should set off on our OE. One year we decided—we’d spend one year working and traveling, making Britain our base. Somehow, that one year morphed into six as we happily explored as much of the world as we could. Places like Africa, Asia, Europe, America and Australia. Although we’ve set up home base in New Zealand now, we still get itchy feet and jet off to explore the world as often as work commitments and our bank account allow. A kiwi might be a flightless bird but New Zealanders definitely love to fly.

A few shots from our photo album:

Abu Simbel, Egypt

Abu Simbel in Egypt

Irish Village

The villages and countryside of Ireland


Sunny Samoa in the Pacific

Mesa Verde, USA

Climbing around Mesa Verde, USA

Market Scene, India

And one of our personal favorite places to visit—India

To see more travel photos visit my website photo album at Shelley Munro or check out the travel category of my blog

Happy vacation!