On Vacation With... The Catskill Kiwi

This past May some friends and I scooted on over to Paris for a few days… the real reason behind this is my singer/songwriter friend Heather Greene was performing at the Grand Rex.


All of us have been to Paris before, so it really was just about hanging out and wandering around. We had an awesome apartment in the Marais found through this website, which was way better than a hotel room, it had kitchen, washer/dryer, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, large lounge chilling area and of course was in an amazing part of Paris.


I encountered a couple of confusing meals… the first night I ordered a starter of country pate, which came out in an entire jar on a plate (okay, generous but a bit weird) followed by sardines, which I naturally just assumed would be fresh sardines…. um wrong! When the waiter theatrically presented me a plate with a CAN OF SARDINES on it, I thought it was a joke and started laughing… um a word to the wise, you might not want to take this approach when dining in Paris. So to sum up that dinner was a jar followed by a can, HUH? I’m still pretty confused by it!t


Paris is spectacularly beautiful (below Notre Dame)


And, it can also be a totally confusing city (yes I wore circles around the place)...


But, what’s not too love about getting lost in a city like this!? And there's more to come!!