Hello coco+kelley readers - it's your NYC correspondent Crissie - and today I have a very exciting event to share with you! Many of you know that last Thursday was Martha Stewart Living and Omnimedia's Bloggers' Night Out, and I was lucky enough to be invited to cover the event for Cassandra.

The evening was supposed to take place on roof deck of the Martha Stewart building however - in true summer form - Manhattan blessed us with high winds (and high HEAT) so we were moved inside (no complaints here as there was a/c!).

When I arrived, Martha was playing Ping-Pong with Kevin Sharkey (Senior VP, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc)...
And then addressed the assembled bloggers (here's a video  of her talking about turning your blog into a business) before she had to rush off (her dentist was coming to dinner…) The event was beautifully styled with craft tables, wedding vignettes...
And delicious food and drinks.
It was amazing to have so many bloggers in one place. Sometimes I get so caught up in my little fashion niche that I forget about the other types bloggers out there - but the event was filled with Mom Bloggers (and babies) Craft Bloggers, Wedding Bloggers, and Design Bloggers - it was everything you could imagine, and it was so enlightening to get to meet and talk with so many different people.
I spent the evening with Kelly of High Street Market, Camilla of High-Heel Foot in the Door, Deb of Living Livelier and even got to chat with Mr. Sharkey.
I wish you all could have been there. I highly recommend attending a blogger-meet-up near you if you have the opportunity (don't be silly like me and forget blog-business cards…) I hope I get the chance to meet more of you soon!
*photos via Martha Stewart, Living Livelier, and me!