I see London. I see Paris.  I see green, green, green!
Hello my dearest readers, it's Courtney with a freshly picked Kelley-Green find! Living walls seem to be quite the trend these days - from big-city facades and roof top terraces to upscale boutiques. Now, I know what you're thinking - I can barely keep my houseplants alive... how am I going to grow a whole wall? Luckily, a little company called Woolley Pockets has made it incredibly easy to get this lush + luxe look!

These ingenious creations (made specifically for vertical garden walls) are breathable, gardening containers that provide some amazing eco-friendly benefits...
  • Cuts down on heating/cooling bills because these plant walls provide excellent insulation (yay! more money for fall shopping!) 
  • Created from 100% recycled water bottles
  • Acts as a wonderful sound barrier
  • Fresher and cleaner air quality
  • Easy to install, maintain & use (check out this darling instructional video here set to Parisian music--J'adore!)
Here are some of my favorite ways of using the woolley pockets.... I especially love the luscious, natural texture in contrast to the industrial brick in the image below. However, if would you prefer an outdoor living wall surrounding your backyard haven then you're in luck - 'Walley' is designed for both indoor and outdoor use, so take your pick or do both to blend the inside seamlessly with the out!