Hello lovely readers - Crissie here again (of bug&Bear) and today I am thrilled to be hitting the streets as coco + kelley's New York City correspondent to bring you all the inside scoop of the goings on in NYC. My first adventure led me up-town to the H&M on 125th St… last Thursday night was the grand re-opening of the chain's Harlem location.
Located just blocks from the iconic Appollo Theatre, the Harlem H&M never used to have much to offer. I recall stopping in last summer to pick over the bedraggled racks and hearing a fellow shopper comment to her companion-"you know why they never have anything here? They send it all downtown."
That was certainly not the case on Thursday- walking into the newly renovated store I was greeted by racks and racks of what H&M does best-- affordable versions of the season's hottest trends. It was an explosion of stripes (heaven), military influence, and boho chic (which they call Romantic Hippie…) Topped off by countless helpful employees, a DJ and h'ordeuvres (a girl could get used to it!)

The event was sponsored by Uptown Magazine and unveiled not only the store's shiny new look, but also their new partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Harlem.
In the end- it is really not much more than just another H&M- but if they can keep up the stock and the gang of friendly crew members the store's reinvention will make it worth a visit (if you're in the area…) 

*interested in becoming a correspondent on coco+kelley for your own city? email us if you happen to live in a happenin' design town: cocokelley {at} gmail {dot} com