Dream Destination {Green Wedding Shoes}

This is Jenny from Green Wedding Shoes and when I thought about my favorite destination it had to be the spa!

I love checking out new spas and seeing how they are designed. They are always so peaceful and relaxing - and you are relaxed since you know you are about to get a massage or just did! 

One of my favorite spas is the Ciel Spa in LA. The spa is all white - it reminds me of walking into a dream! And there are yummy healthy treats by my favorite chef José Andrés for you to enjoy while waiting. 

I love the design of this gorgeous spa in Malaysia. Rain trees, personal villas and the outdoors - pure enchantment!

And this spa from the Hilton in Luxor, Egypt - stunning! Would love to spend a relaxing day there with my husband...

Thanks so much for having me Erin and hope you are enjoying your fantastic honeymoon!