Honeymoonin' Heaven {Amsterdam}

Well my dears, as promised, I wanted to share some of our honeymoon adventures with you. We had such an amazing time it's tough to pick favorite moments, but here are a few.

We started things off in Amsterdam. Even though we were deluged by rain most of the week, we made the best of it. We armed ourselves with umbrellas and rain gear and hit the streets  - taking 5 hour strolls in the downpours and having a ball the entire time!

We simply fell in love with the city, regardless of the perpetually cloudy skies. Every row house we passed was more stunning than the one before it. We spent endless hours going up one canal and down the next. By the end we actually knew where we were going!

We even found the famous Dutch flowers including my favorite - peonies!

We also found multiple havens to save us from the rain, one of which was the lovely little cafe Gartine. Tucked away in a little side street, passing by one may not give it a second look. But once you step inside, it is its own little foodie wonderland. 

all photos by me or the hubby!

Gartine serves the most delectable breakfasts, using ingredients grown in their own garden, made fresh daily. The setting alone was completely divine! I just had to take one of their cookbooks home as a souvenir! 

Even if the weather wasn't perfect, Amsterdam was the perfect way to kick off a truly magical trip with my husband (I'm still getting used to calling him that!).

Next up, Italy!