Am I the only one who's so addicted to the luxury of letterpress cards that I have a whole stash of them in my office just waiting for a special occasion to be used? I didn't think so...
Which is why I'll never tire of discovering new letterpress shops on Etsy, like Bow and Arrow! I love these pretty little goods in perfect shades of teal and lavender, but my favorite design is this modern flamestitch ikat that's just perfect for an interior designer (such as moi) to be writing little notes to clients and colleagues, don't you think?
Whatever your preference, this is your chance to win a set of your favorite! To enter this sweet little giveaway from Bow and Arrow, please pop over to their store to preview all their designs. Then, leave a comment here answering this easy question: If you were to purchase any card from Bow and Arrow, which would would it be for and what would it say?

We'll pick the winner on Friday! Good luck!