My Dream Destination {Haute Design}

Hello! Sarah from Haute Design here and I’m so happy to be here on Apt. #34 today, sharing my favorite vacation spot while Erin is away on her honeymoon… I can only imagine the fun she and her husband are having, and cannot wait to hear about it!
My favorite vacation spot is most definitely France. The picturesque postcard scenery and the everyday living is so appealing to me that I just long to be part of it… from exploring the chic city streets of Paris to driving though the beautiful countryside of Provence, there is plenty to feast your eyes on and nourish your soul and imagination.

Perhaps it's the nod and respect to tradition and a past that is so alluring, and can be found in the architecture, cuisine, entertaining and even the fashion within the country; the true appreciation for quality and beauty and enjoyment. There is something unsaid and unheard that makes this wonderful place just so, and I believe it is the heritage, feeling, inherent style, and warmth of the people...

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