Honeymoonin' Heaven {Italy}

Following our amazing week in Amsterdam, the husband and I flew to Italy, spending nearly a week out wine tasting in small towns throughout the Veneto region and enjoying a glorious stay on Lake Como.

The sights of Italy were truly breathtaking. We visited small medieval walled cities like Bergamo and Borghetto. They're equal parts awe-inspiring history and complete present day charm.

Lake Como certainly didn't disappoint. We spent an incredibly relaxing two days taking ferry rides across the water, breakfasts in the garden and wine lakeside every evening.

In each town we visited we'd pause to take a quick snapshot with our thank you sign - they'll all be compiled into thank you cards for our wedding guests. The cards will make lugging that chalkboard around worth it!

We certainly couldn't visit Italy and skip the most romantic city in the world - so we ended the trip in Venice. And I must say, it exceeded expectations. When you got beyond the sea of tourists and discovered the the twists and turns of the real city, the calls of the merchants in the fish markets, the clinks of glasses as people would toast next to the grand canal...

I spent the entire time trying to soak in each and every sight, sound and sensation. 

all photos by me!

There really is no place like it. We literally wandered this maze of a city for hours on end, until our feet just simply wouldn't hold us up anymore. 

Each evening we'd plop ourselves down, exhausted but thrilled, at one fabulous dinner table after another. Multiple courses of pasta, seafood, dolce, grappa, coffee and gelato later (more on the food experiences to come soon!), we'd collapse into our bed.

Ahhhh, la vita bella, ti amo.