My Dream Destination {Sincerely, Cecelia}

Cecelia from Sincerely, Cecelia here - I’m beyond honored to be included in this little series while Erin is off enjoying her European honeymoon! I found it awfully hard to narrow it down to one specific destination as being my “favorite” so I’ve got a couple for you…


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 Va  Vacation: Hawaii – I know, I know…typical. But seriously, I was lucky enough to go on an incredible vacation with my six best girl friends and it was nothing short of magical. I love the sun (although it doesn’t love my fair skin) and the days I spent just lounging on Waikiki beach, snorkeling and shopping the local flea market were too perfect...even the warm rain was delicious. I’d go back in a heartbeat.

        Day Trip: San Francisco – I completely adore this city and living an hour away in Napa is not close enough for me. Since I attended FIDM for Interior Design, I’ve been in love and I honestly don’t think my life will be complete until I can say I’ve lived there. There’s something about those charming Victorian houses, the street performers (good & bad), the eclectic mix of adorable shops, the cafes and restaurants and the creative energy that fills the atmosphere to the brim.

        Everyday – I’d have to say my favorite everyday destination is quite simply my own little bedroom. I love curling up with a glass of wine, little nelli and my laptop - getting lost in design inspiration. It’s an even better day when I get to have the glass of wine, nelli and blogging alongside my fiancé while he reads - each in our own worlds yet still spending quality time together, side by side.

