Interior Inspired Art

I recently received an email from artist Stephanie Levey ~ an American gal living in Germany whose mixed media collages and paintings take the term 'design board' to a whole new level. Layers of textures and patterns mixing with sketches of rooms create a piece of art that any decor enthusiast would appreciate.

I especially love her explanation for why she chooses to incorporate interiors into her designs. "My grandfather was a descendent of four generations of Irish carpenters. I grew up in a house he designed and built, and a favorite family activity at night was to sit at the dinner table and draw house plans for imaginary or 'fictional' houses. As a child, I thought that this was typical behavior, that everyone�s family drew endless variations of their dream houses. It was only later as an adult that I realized that this was something particular to my upbringing." I wish I could have been invited to dinner at her home for an evening!

Speaking of family dinners ~ I think this piece is my favorite because not only do I love the colors, but it reminds me of the large dinner table at my grandparents house where all my cousins, uncles and aunts, and people couldn't even figure out how I was related to would sit around drinking wine and yelling in Italian. Don't you just love family?

Stephanie's pieces are available for sale through the site SGFT Gallery in her hometown of Nashville where she is currently showing some of her art. You can also contact her through her website, but be patient with a response ~ she is currently expecting a little bambino this week! The gallery also showcases some other amazing artists as well, so have yourself a look.