The Perfect Chair

Ok, it might not be perfect for you, but for this girl, it's my McDreamy. I've been looking for a chair for my bedroom to serve so many purposes I thought it would be impossible to find. I wanted the chair to be high enough to sit at my desk, but most office chairs were so cold or unstylish I couldn't bear to look at them any longer. I started looking at dining chairs, but they were either too low, too formal, or too boring. Living room chairs? Maybe... most of those were too big as well. But, this chair from The Odd Chair Company? PERFECT!!

High enough to sit at my desk with arms low enough that they won't get in the way, a cushy seat with great tufting and character, simple and small enough to fit in my teeny room, and not too formal but definitely still sophisticated. It was love at first sight. The only problem? The company is in London. *sigh* How on earth do I always manage to find myself in a long distance relationship? If anyone knows of a similar chair here in the states, please share! I'm afraid my McDreamy will have to wait...