Wallpaper Wanted

Over the weekend I picked up a few pieces at the thrift store, including this very beat up screen with vintage wallpaper panels in a bamboo pattern. I've finally got a little inspirational direction thanks to this piece - my living room is now coming together with some creams, browns, and gold, and pops of this orange-red and a spring green.

Unfortunately, the middle panel of the screen was so damaged I had to rip off that piece and find a quick fix. (Fabric from Ikea! Such a genius idea that they started offering that.) But what I'd really love is another panel of wallpaper to compliment the vintage fabric already on there. Taking advantage of any excuse to do a little online browsing I thought I'd share what I found in wallpaper land...

This wallpaper from Twenty2 in the Maxwell collection would be the perfect compliment to the color scheme already going on in the screen. Of course, while I was there I found this pattern featuring a perfect example this fall's hottest colors...

And one for the powder room I like to imagine in my head...

Even the name is perfect! (Peekaboo in Buttercream)

On with my hunt though... The next stop was Secondhand Rose ~ a NYC store known for its vintage collection of wallpapers. And what did I find?

A much bolder choice that I think would probably distract a bit too much from the cool bamboo pattern I have going on, but the colors are so perfect!

Their "Rare and Unusual" section as well as the Geometric patterns are all very fun, and worth a look. I really liked this simple, but structured design myself...

The best resource I found by far for vintage wallpaper, though, was on ebay! U-turn, out of Seattle, has a huge selection of incredibly cool stuff. Even though I didn't find anything for my screen, I found plenty of inspiration! From some seriously loud colors...

To incredible vintage 30's lanterns...

To simply cool..

The store has a little of everything so if you're in the market, definitely check it out!