Happy New Year!!

Is it possible to be fabulous and permanently attached to your laptop as well...? I guess we'll find out in 2008!

I'd like to officially say Happy New Year to you all! I have a lot of things up my sleeve for this new year - a few plans for my blog and a few more for me - and I can't wait to share them all with you!

May 2008 will mark the one year anniversary of coco+kelley, and I hope by then to have an updated look for this little blog of mine. I also want to start carrying more great vintage finds on my etsy store... perhaps expanding it to a real store at some point! (Well, maybe we'll save that one for 2009....)

For now - here are my top three official resolutions:

1) More yoga. And speaking of which - could someone come up with laptop yoga? I think it would save my life (and my ass). Which leads me to #2...

2) Less computer time. No, that doesn't mean less blogging, it just means that I really need to get out more and take advantage of this city and the energy it has for design. Not to mention that I could afford to spend less time on energy-suckers like myspace...

3) Follow through. See, I'm one of those people who is always coming up with ideas and filing them away for later... well, later needs to be NOW! Whether it's goals I've made for myself in the past, or simply getting through the ridiculous stack of magazines by my couch ~ no more being lazy!

There are a lot more where those came from, but I always stick with my top three... after all, a girl's only got so much time and willpower ;)

Thank you so much for all of your support and readership in 2007, and here's to a fabulous 2008!