Room of the Week 1.24

I'm a wee bit late on posting today's Room of the Week for three good reasons.

1) After a long day at work, a long week of fighting a cold, and throwing a little dinner party last night for my roommate's birthday I was totally wiped out today.

2) I still haven't scanned about a million worthy rooms that are sitting in a stack and have been for the past... oh, two years.

And 3) My best friend Erin is coming into town tomorrow (yippeee!) which meant that today was spent CLEANING! Luckily, I was hunting through listings for Italian Villas (oh the life of a blogger) and came across this dining room and kitchen which might be the most wonderful thing I've ever seen (from an Italian girls' perspective anyway...)

The light! The warmth! The gorgeous table that still wouldn't fit my huge Italian family, and the KITCHEN! The curved shape is stunning. That can't possibly be the whole thing because there are no cabinets, but I can see the stove on the left, and tons of counter space, a little island table, and then a great big fridge. Heaven! Mostly I'm just in love with the way these two spaces flow into each other. In my perfect world, there's a long fireplace on the other side of the room to complete the picture. *sigh* I think I'm in need of a vacation!!