Room of the Week 1.17

I started this post yesterday... and realized that I couldn't find a single room that was truly inspiring me to post. How depressing! So I've ended up with two rooms by Jay Jeffers (he's always my fallback!) that I wanted to put out there...

Alright, now, class. What can you tell me about these two rooms? The first thing that I noticed was that Jeffers has a stunning talent for pattern. However... I prefer the bottom room to the top for many reasons. The top room has so many pieces that I love, but all together...? Am I the only one who feels a headache coming on at the thought of sitting in a room like this all day? And, to be completely honest, I really don't like the psychedelic mustard yellow fabric on the chairs.

Now, the bottom room however, I love. My favorite part might be the unusual painting on the wall... it reminds me of the way sunlight crosses a room - perhaps that was the point? But let's talk pattern. See how many layers Jeffers has put on the bed? And then there's the drapes, the pop of color in the pillow on the chair, the pattern in the rug. And it all comes together so well, and very balanced. Perhaps its simply the color scheme that makes me more comfortable with all this visual texture and pattern, but this room I could live with.

What do you think? Which room is more your style?