Vintage Lauren...

Well, it looks like Ralph has joined the rest of us in our search for fabulous vintage goods...

Maybe (once again) I'm the last one to know, but the Ralph Lauren Home collection now features very exclusive little vintage pieces sold in stores only. You can view them on their website, right here.

My favorite was this whimsical little umbrella jewelry holder from Cartier...

Sweet, isn't it? Perfect for a rainy Seattle-grown girl like me :)

While I was at it, I poked around the site to see what was new. I'm always amazed at the range of styles they have for their furniture - everything from sleek and modern to rustic lodge. Here were some of my favorite finds...

Who needs a power suit with that chair behind your desk? And, I love the very cool and simple bar.

The black cut glass candlesticks are so "now"... two totally ridiculous beds... and to top it off a travel clock that I will now be coveting for the rest of my life considering it is $1450. (Or, you could feed a small country!) I will now be scouring ebay for something similar.

I want the dog and the jacket! He reminds me of my friend Kelley's dog Mikey who is the sweetest yorkie ever. The pillow would be perfect in my bedroom. And the dominos? Well, they just top off the ridiculousness.

Well done, Mr. Lauren. Well done.