SO Ready for Spring!

I was ready for a seasonal change when the clock struck midnight on New Years... no really. I was literally redecorating my living room on New Year's Eve. (I know, I'm such a loser, and I shouldn't really be sharing that with the rest of the world.)

So, what would inspire a girl like me to stay home on a night like that? Besides the fact that I can't really stand they hype of counting down 'til midnight, I fell in love with a blanket from (where else?) Anthropologie.

The colors in the fringe pulled me in, and I couldn't resist! But what's funny is when I got home I realized why. Colors seem to come full circle for me. I don't always realize why I'm drawn to them, or where inspiration comes from, but one look at the accessories I already had in my home, and I knew why this cozy little throw was meant for me...

It all started with this book I picked up at a bookstore that was going out of business a few years ago. The faded beachy colors inspired pretty much my whole living room decor at my last apartment in Seattle. When you're living in rainy, grey weather, you need the pickup! And, now that I'm in LA, the beach theme seems that much more applicable.

I already had this pile of pillows...

Planted some succulents in a cute thrift store pot (little vase by Ikea!)

Framed some prints out of the Euro magazine Gatsby, whose tagline might be the best I've ever read: "The supercilious assumption that on Sunday afternoon you have nothing better to do."

And (totally coincidentally) I also purchased this gorgeous vintage ice bucket on ebay in a peachy/terra cotta leather with brass...

... can't you just see it with a bottle of Veuve in it?

So, I'm pretty much set for Spring... I'm just working on my new couch, and my living room will be complete!