What's a Working Girl to Do?

I'm used to giving more advice on living spaces than accessories, but I recently got an email from a reader, Hannah, who writes, "I'm graduating in May with a degree in economics and will most likely go into banking so I need something pretty conservative but not dowdy. Do you have any suggestions for VERY simple, preferably leather, briefcases/laptop bags that will not make me look like someone who wears pre-matched suit ensembles with pantyhose scrunched around my ankles?"

Well, I'm gonna say it right now. I was NOT the girl to ask about this because my first instinct was to say - why don't you get a nice little Louis Vuitton and call it a day? My second instinct was to browse through ridiculously priced handbags like this little beauty..

because, I really really really cannot find a decent 'briefcase' bag out there. SO, dear readers... do you have any suggestions for poor Hannah? Mine are below - probably not the best, but not the worst. Almost all leather, and somewhat conservative...

The Fashionista Bag:

Buckles and Studs on a workbag? Love it. This is my style for sure, but I'm also in a much more creative industry than Banking, so while I know I can get away with this, I'm not sure if it's a bit too fashionista for Hannah. This one is available at careerbags.com which carries a lot of other decent styles, including this one, which I would have to see in person to determine whether or not it's actually cool...

For a similar 'handbag' style that's a bit more simple, I also liked this one from Gina B. that also comes in a nice olive tone.

The Sexy Bag:

For me, adding something a little sexy to a work ensemble gives me an extra boost of confidence. This bag from Lodis (always a classic!) is sleek and sexy without screaming "look at me!". While the shape is pretty straightforward, it's the shiny high-quality leather that makes the bag.

The Brit Bag

No, I'm talking about that crazy Britney. This Brit is much more put together, and mimics that classic Burberry look that, let's face it, never really gets old. Available at Wrapables.

The Simple Bag

Ok, so it's grey and yellow which makes it an automatic for being in my favorites. Other great little details? The inside of the bag reads, "Crafted to love you back." How cute is that? The handles adjust to a shoulder strap, and you can be pretty sure that nobody else is going to have this bag at work... it's from Schambra in the UK.