Time For A (Home) Revival

Here in Seattle, there are a few very fabulous stores that I like to count as my regular haunts, and Revival Home & Garden definitely falls into that category. Lucky for you, they just opened up their online shop, so you can add it to your list of favorites as well!

Owner, Leah Ball Steen has amazing taste and, she says about the store, "Revival Home & Garden began with an idea to create the kind of store we always wanted to shop in: stylish, colorful, diverse, and—most importantly—affordable." Gotta love a gal who understands priorities in a recession!

These pieces are just screaming spring to me!! I wish I could pair them up in a little corner of my own home.

The store has an amazing selection of new and vintage pieces, and Leah's taste for textiles makes items like this antique setee mixed with a bold fabric totally unique. Be sure to pop over their blog too, and say hello!