Vegas, Baby... Vegas.

Speaking of getting out of town... I am off for a much needed vacation and to do a little economic stimulus of my own. This weekend will find me in Vegas with lots of good friends for what should be lots of good times. (Fingers crossed for a chance to lay out by the pool!)

And, in honor of my destination, I thought I'd share one of my fave Vegas-themed editorials with you...

Ruven Afanadorelle
This spread, shot by Ruven Afanador for Elle, came out under the influence of Walk the Line... hence the bouffant hair (which I secretly absolutely love). But, the real reason I dig these photos so much is the location.

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The Neon Museum Boneyard in Vegas seems so utterly cool and depressing all at once. I can't get enough of it! How cool would it be to have one of these babies in your oversized urban loft?

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And if I end up wandering aimlessly around Vegas, I might just adopt this look doing it. Because... why not? It's Vegas.

I'll be back on Wednesday, but the winner for this week's big giveaway will be announced on Monday! Be sure to come check in and see if you've won! Comments will close at the end of the day today, so if you haven't left yours... get to it!

luv & ciao!