From The Office Of: Apt #34

I have to confess that I think I got my office obsession from two people, one of them being my bff Erin over at Apt #34 (the other being a recent client whose little study just got a mini revamp - still waiting for the final photos!!)

Between her desklust and home office inspirations there are enough ideas on her little blog to inspire any style, so when you're done here, pop over to her blog via those links and see what I mean! Today she's keeping her adivice short and sweet (perfect for a Friday and in true Erin style...)
I have long suffered from serious office lust – I mean you sit in one place for hours and hours out of your day and years out of your life – it better be a pretty damn fine place to sit. Unfortunately, I’ve attain to an office that I deem worthy of sharing, so I set out to collect my ideal office elements.

In light of today's challenging economic times I’m limiting my must-haves to three:

*1. Desk chair *2. Rockin' lighting *2. Killer inspiration wall

These are just a smattering of some of my favorites.

Thanks E! I had to add one more space from her blog that's one of my favorites from m. design, as well as my current favorite inspiration board - because I don't think it get's much better than a board with a bar!!