The Right Style {Today}

Fellow Seattle-based blogger Alek of From the Right Bank to the Left Coast recently offered up a challenge - pick one picture that sums up my style. Just one! Is she nuts? I'm the girl with so many shoes I can't openly admit to the number.  My favorite looks change almost daily. But I will do my best to complete the task set before me. 

Today I pick this stunning room designed by Ashe + Leandro interior designers  because it combines all of the design elements I'm currently coveting. I love the bright white of course, not to mention the beamed ceiling. All the clean lines speak to my distaste for clutter. Then you add in the little pops of color, a wonderfully textured rug and unexpected pieces like the vintage lamp, candelabra and fun glass-topped table. It's classic and personal all at the same time. Definitely something to aspire to. 

Thanks for the challenge Alek and now I pass it on - to Lynne at Tea for Joy, Kirsten of Simply Grove, Jen at Made by Girl, Paula at Two Ellie and dearest Cassandra of coco+kelley. Tag, you're it ladies!