A Preview of Coming Adventures

Over the weekend, Cassandra and I went on field trip to visit the lovely Carol, owner of Gatherings.

Not only was Carol the most gracious of hostesses, opening her fabulous shop on a Sunday just for us girls, but her store is a treasure trove of stunning finds. From furnishing to chandeliers, to glassware and tabletop accessories it was almost too difficult to pick something to come home with me. But I managed! 

Without even knowing it Carol has set me off a new adventure - the redesign of the bedroom 2009, and the pillow I took home is my inspiration. 

Of course, there is the dream room and there's reality and then there's the sweet spot somewhere in between. Here is a sample of my current fantasies.

I won't be undertaking any major renovations, only new lighting, bedding and a few new accessories are on the table. So, let the adventure begin! I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress.