Housekeeping at coco+kelley

Hello lovelies! Just a few little housekeeping notes from the busy busy offices of coco+kelley...

This week, Layers of Meaning continued the Through Her Eyes series featuring little handwritten bits of inspiration from a few of your favorite bloggers... pop over to have a look at a personal note from moi. Also, Lynne over at Tea For Joy asked me to participate in her Style Resolutions series, so be sure to check it out (in case you'd like to know what the future holds for coco+kelley).

And, speaking of future, let's talk link love. coco+kelley will be getting a little facelift in the next month or so, and because of that I'm not making many updates to the blogroll at this time. However - if you aren't listed on the blog and want to be, please keep sending along emails and know that I am filing them away for when the new site launches!

While we're at it... for those of you linking to coco+kelley - THANK YOU! And, could you please be sure to check the spelling of kelley... that last "e" is a pesky little one who likes to be dropped off...

Lastly, don't forget to enter this week's giveaway! I'll be announcing the winner on Monday as well as announcing the next theme for my style (e)scapes series!! This time, I'll be asking for readers submissions for their own homes and taking questions too... so stay tuned!

*fashion photography by norman jean roy, second set of dirty dishes by kristen perers