The Next Style (E)scape: Spring Wardrobe

You all were so fantastically encouraging with your comments throughout the last style (e)scapes series, that I'm very excited to be continuing it with our next topic: The Closet.

More specifically, I'll be showing off REAL closets of REAL people. Not so much the ones that look like this:

Oh Mariah. You could feed a small country (or five).

This time around I'll be asking you, my stylish readers, to participate. Starting now. Do you have an amazing closet? Killer wardrobe? Own a small boutique? I want to hear from you!

Don't fall into any of those categories? Need some serious help when it comes to putting your wardrobe or closet together? I want to hear from you too, because I want to know what major dilemmas to be addressing throughout the week!

SO, send me an email at cocokelley (at) gmail (dot) com if you're interested in submitting a little something, or if you have a closet catasrophe on your hands. Please put style (e)scapes: closet in the subject line.

Now, this closet is getting a little more realistic. Tip #1? Wooden hangers from Ikea. Do it. And stay tuned for the next series in two weeks!

*images via instyle