Room(s) of the Week 4.16

Many of you may have seen the 'tag' going around asking bloggers to find a space that perfectly defines their style and aesthetic. Well, I've been tagged a few times now, and have been struggling to find the perfect room to share... so I'm submitting a few!

It shouldn't be too hard to spot the common design factors, but let's make a list, shall we?

*1: The room must have good natural light, and a neutral palette work with (to make it easy to switch out colors, of course!).
nuevo estilo bedroom
*2: The room must include an incredibly fantastic chandelier and a bit of glam (gold mirror) mixed with comfort (perfectly simple bedding that's not too fussy) and natural materials (wood flooring).
loftlife 'library'
*3: The room should have pieces that pop and personal details that tell the story of its inhabitants.
nuevo estilo living & dining
*4: Most importantly, the room should be a perfect mix of genres from antique to modern to traditional, and it should be liveable!!

While I don't believe I could live in a house where every room was white, the aesthetic of these spaces is what I'm being drawn to at the moment - and each exhibit the elements that, regardless of wall color, I would love to use in every design I create... especially for myself!

*photography via domino, nuevo estillo (#2 and #4), and loftlife (#3).