Rock Candy

Did you know that it's Bling Week in NYC? Ok, actually, it's being called "Sparkle Week" but that just sounds a bit pageant-ish, don't you think? In an effort to do a little stimulating in the jewelry markets, there are series of events going on all over the city with special pricing at a variety of high end shops. (You can download the schedule here.)

Naturally, I'd like to support some businesses myself, so I thought it would be a good time to share the Etsy shop catROCKS and their over-the-top statement necklaces. (And yes, they're representin' NY and Jersey, so that works, right?)

My favorite piece - this purple agate is SO intense. Can't you just see it paired with a fresh white dress?

Coral is officially back (did it ever really leave?). I think I'd be in danger of poking my own eye out with this necklace, but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

For a little softer tone, these dreamy white+grey stones accented by turquoise are summery perfection. It takes a certain gal to pull these type of pieces off - and I'm not sure I'm the one to do it (petite little me feels a bit overwhelmed by super chunky necklaces), but I'd be willing to try one on... you know, just to see how it looks...