My Dream Destination {The City Sage}

Before the husband and I headed off on the honeymoon, I asked a few of my dear blogger friends one simple question. What is your dream destination? The variety of their answers is better than I could have every expected. 

I hope you find them as inspirational as I did. First up, the uber-fabulous Anne of the The City Sage. Happy travels (even if they're only virtual)!

Ciao ciao,
Mrs. E

My favorite destination? The beach! Because really, does anything even come close to being as awesome? I'm not picky, either. I'd just as happily take a rocky shore in the Riviera as I would a stretch of black sand in Hawai'i! As long as I have sun, waves and a big floppy hat, I'm like a cat in cream.

photos via: 1, 7. Toast 2, 3. House Beautiful 4, 6. J. Crew 5, 8. Anthropologie 

There's something about the sights, sounds and smells of the sea that make me feel calm and content. When I've not been to the beach in a while, I start to get antsy--and when I finally do return, there's a feeling of homecoming. Maybe I was a mermaid in a past life...?