My Beautiful Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake

My Beautiful Wedding Cake

Bruce Almighty

One of my favorite things about cross country travel  is the time I get to treat myself to the glossies I love but don't usually permit myself to buy.  On Vogue, on Elle, on InStyle and Domino! Its like catching up with the world after being on a deserted island for weeks.  

To my delight I discovered the indie line Bruce - this one is a stunner.  After a three year respite, the designer pair is back with a vengeance! 

They give the phrase "casual cool" some actual meaning! I feel my new office wardrobe coming on.

Weekend Shopping: Maison Luxe

When I moved back to Seattle a couple months ago, I popped into all my favorite stores to say hello, introduce myself, drool over gorgeous goodies... you know. The usual. Well, when I got to Maison Luxe, I totally fell in love with the shop...

I ended up chatting with owner Kelie Grosso for a while, only to find out that she was pretty much running this huge place by herself. So, I did what any self respecting home decor addict would do... I totally finagled myself into a job helping out here and there so I can lust over all her pretty Oly casegoods, vintage lamps, and yummy pillows...

Well, guess what, my pretties? For the rest of the week (and maybe longer) it's all on SALE. 30% on the website and up to HALF in the store. We sold a lot of lovelies yesterday, but there are still quite a few amazing pieces left (like the vintage cabinet above) for a heck of a deal.

Of course, there are also lots of little accessories perfect for Christmas gift giving (or decorating your own pad).

If this white console doesn't sell, it is SO coming home with me. Maybe the pillow too...

After this month, we'll be closing the doors and moving to a location that is under super secret wraps (which means you should definitely sign up for the mailing list to keep in the loop). So, come stop by, say hello, sip some champagne and take advantage of some serious discounts while you can!
See you at the store (or, right here) soon!

Giving Thanks...

All to often in the overwhelming pace of daily life we get caught up in the list of to-do's and - especially lately - the stress of trying to keep up with it all (thank you failing economy). Which is why I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It gives us that moment we need to take a deep breath and step away from the everyday to have time to say thank you to the people who truly matter and to be grateful for the things we have.

photography by roland bello

Thank you to all the bloggerss out there who provide the daily inspiration we all crave so much. I am constantly amazed by the endless beauty and creations that are out there just waiting to be shared!

Thank you to the readers - the ones who leave encouraging comments and the ones who lurk without saying a word (I know you're there!). Without you, this blog would be a fairly pointless little project. You all are the reason I'm here.

photo by corrie bond

Thank you to friends and family who are there to lean on, to encourage, and to give me a good kick in the pants when I need it the most. Especially to this and this bestie. You gals are amazing.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all... now go eat some turkey!

Giving Thanks

My bags are packed and we're about to set out across the country for our Thanksgiving pilgrimage.

The holidays have snuck up on me a bit, but I'm happy for the chance to pause and take stock.  I'm thankful for so many things this year - great friends, both all the new I've met and the old, my dear family, and all the inspiration I've been enjoying this year.

I want to say thank you to all my readers - both the vocal and the lurkers.  I truly appreciate you stopping by, leaving such fun comments, suggestions and help and for your constant support.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

A Thanksgiving Giveaway

What better way to say thank you to my lovely readers than with a little giveaway that will serve you well for the upcoming holidays, or perhaps into next year for weddings or parties?

I'm sure many of you are familiar with Beaucoup, as it is definitely a go-to source for personalized party and wedding favors. Well, thanks to their generosity, we're giving away a $50 certificate for one lucky reader to spend on their site! All you have to do is pop over there, do a little browsing, and come back and leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite little goodies were.

Here are a few of mine to get you started...

I'm a sucker for setting the table with place cards, and I'm just in love with the cute little elephant holder! (He comes in gold or silver.) And, how perfect would these simple cards be for a Thanksgiving setting?

I collect matchbooks like they're going out of style, so I love the idea of personalized matches at any event - especially in the barrel style. Beaucoup also carries my favorite address stamps. They're the perfect gift for new homeowners, or a nice way to splurge on a little something for yourself.

Ok, darlings, your turn! Visit their website, and report back on your favorites! The winner will be drawn next Wednesday.

Snow White

If I were to live in a white wonderland (I know, I'm mixing my Disney references), I'd love it to look like this.

Serene?  Yes.  Practical with two dogs?  Probably not.

Pretty Things All In A Row...

Remember this stunning tablescape? The variety of chandeliers strung down the center were what made it so unique and inspiring.

Well, this space, captured by photographer Joe Schemlzer, uses the same idea...

But in a totally funky and casual way. It might be even cooler with the unique vintage pendants. I think I just found the solution to my lighting obsession. Use them all! (And, yes, the sofa is quite awesome as well.)

Mirror Mirror

I've mentioned before that I have a thing for credenzas. While my taste doesn't usually fall on the glamorous side - I'm more of a mod fan - I found a stunning mirrored credenza at the amazing online store Pieces and fell in love.

I was so inspired by all their treasures I compiled a little wish list of accessories to go along with it.

I love the pop of orange with the leather tray.  It reminds me of the coveted Hermes box! Now I have to add to my wishlist the perfect living room for all of this to go in!

Shades of Bling

In case you haven't noticed, I have a bit of an obsession with cocktail rings. My latest discovery? The gorgeous creations of Julius Cohen...

Really... don't make me chose just one color. They're all so fantastic. I love the varying tones in each, and the size is perfect - not too big (by my standards), but still quite a statement.

I think I might love the turquoise paired with emerald most! And the diamond ring? The cuts of each stone stand for hope (heart, oval, pear, emerald). Symbolic and lovely... I don't think I can resist! Which would you choose?

Tag, I'm It

It's official, I've been tagged! 


Courtney, the lovely lady behind Under a Paper Moon, got me with the six quirky, boring facts about myself.  They're much tougher to come up with than I'd anticipated.  Don't know if these will qualify me as quirky, but here we go.

1.  I regift wrapping paper.  What can I say, I am my mother's daughter and I keep used gift wrap.  After the present has been opened,  I smooth the paper out, cut off the edges that had the tape and stack each sheet in a box to use again later.  Come to think of it, I keep boxes too.

fun and funky gift wrap via delight by design

2. I also save my tinfoil.  It can be washed you know!

3. I cannot seem to get through a book during day-to-day life, (like its been months!) but on vacation I can finish 5 books in a week!  Anyone have a recommendation for my plane flight to Virginia??

4. I obsessively check out wedding photographers' websites.  As in almost daily.  This is my current favorite. At least my sister is engaged now so I have a valid excuse.

5. I desperately want a french bulldog.  I will name her Emma. Or Lily.

6. I can sing almost any song you hear on the radio, pop, hip hop or indie but know neither artist nor song title!  My new goal is to check out every artist on the NPR Top 10 List.

Ok, that's me in a boring, 6-point nutshell.  I believe my job is to tag others now, so here are my next victims, ahem, I mean chosen ones!

Vanessa of .v
Cassandra, because I cannot resist
Lynne of Tea for Joy
Courtney of In(side) the Loop

The rules are:
* Mention the rules on your blog.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other bloggers
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they are tagged.
Looking forward to getting to know a little more about you ladies!

Natural Delights

I just love the simplicity of this...

And the comfortable elegance of this...

Perhaps this year we should serve Thanksgiving dinner from the sofa... by the fireplace...?

both photos by patrina tinslay

Greedy Girl Calendar Swap!

I have an addiction to calendars and a serious problem when it comes to choosing just the right one (or two... ok, three) every new year. So when I got an email last week from Caroline over at Greedy Girl, I was immediately ecstatic over the idea of her Calendar Swap!

Simply pop over to her blog for the details, email her your info, and voila! You're entered into the game. At the very least you should check out her roundup of the many calendar posts that have already surfaced in blogland. So many beautiful and original ones out there!

A Little Bit Rusty

I love all the warm colors of fall, but am especially drawn to these rusty caramel tones today... perhaps it's my craving for pumpkin pie?

vogue 2006

stephen gambrel for elle decor and a runway look from tibi

gorgeous neutrals from todd romano

room source unknown, runway look from nina ricci

the beautiful natalie portman captured by max vadukul

Doesn't it just make you want to spice things up a bit? Yum, yum.

Haute Hippie

I've never been a huge fan of the hippie-chic look.  To many ruffles and boots and throwbacks to the old west.  I usually like something a little more crisp. But then I came across Haute Hippie, a rockin' indie fashion line from New York.  

The clothes strike a perfect balance - they have a hard edge but a soft gooey center.

They also have some pretty hot basics.

Leaves me ready to embrace my inner bohemian! 

Happy Weekend!

After a long week, with most of it spent staring at my computer monitor, I plan to do nothing but unplug this weekend.

I want to look at only natural and lovely things. 

I might bake  or test out some turkey-day recipes.  Maybe I'll bundle up and go for a walk with my man.

I hope something lovely blossoms for you this weekend!  See you next week dearies.


Happy (Blogless) Weekend

My goal this weekend is to get away from blogland a bit and to get out and get inspired! I need some city sights and energy...

... even if the weather happens to be horrific. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

It was a very full week here at coco+kelley, so if you haven't stopped by until now, go catch up! I hope to have some good fresh stuff for you on Monday... which reminds me. I have a little weekend comment request for you all. I want to know...

What types of posts are you loving or hating these days?

I'm planning on adding and subtracting a few things in the new year, so I want to know what you could do without, and what type of posts make your day? What would you like to see more of? Would love your feedback! Thanks darlings!

photography by phil poynter

Chick Crush

How gorgeous is this girl.  

I mean, seriously!  The clothing line she's pimpin' is pretty cool too.  

Room of the Week: 11.20

This, my friends, is how you make a loft space (high ceilings! painted ducts!) totally cozy and traditional...

room by gunkelman flesher

Keeping the flooring modern, a rug warms the space and ties the traditional furniture together. Real plants take away from the cold. Warm woods and accents provide richness, but notice how the pieces themselves aren't too heavy or oversized. The portraits fill the wall nicely and bring your eyes down from the ceiling, grounding the room as well. The perfect space to cozy up with a good book... sounds wonderful on a rainy Seattle day.

Vintage [Etsy] Fabulousness

Just doing a little hunting on Etsy this morning...

Sometimes, I think I was born in the wrong era. Then again... there's also this:

Yes, I was a child of the 80's. Sparkly sequins really do it for me.