The Domino Magazine Files

I'm not sure what's worse. The day we found out that Domino was closing, or today, when I went to pop over to the website only to find that it was, indeed, gone.

My immediate reaction was panic. Why? Because I'm a procrastinator and with all my good intentions of spending some time on the site, weekend after weekend, downloading favorite inspiration photos... I haven't.

Pouting? You bet I am. All that I'm left now are the photos I've had in my files. Which is why I just created a group on Flickr called The Domino Magazine Files that I'm hoping you will join! It will be a place JUST for photos from the pages of Domino. Because I have so many missing from my collection, and I NEED THEM!!

So, be nice, and add yourself to the group. Share your Domino pics. Feel the love. Spread the word. Thank you!

*ps, thank you melissa for reminding me that victoria has had an excellent collection of images from her deco files posted on sfgirlbybay. hopefully she'll be adding them to the flickr group too!