Blog Out Loud - LA Bloggers Event!

So.... whatcha doin next Thursday? Well, if I were still living in LA (which I sometimes REALLY wish I were), you'd find me at Patio Culture on Abbot Kinney. Nope, not shopping (this time). Just attending what's sure to be a kick ass little event...
First of all, let's make one thing clear. This event is NOT just for bloggers. But it is put on by them - two gals I happen to adore, actually - Rebecca at and Megan from beach bungalow 8.

This event is for those who want to start a blog, grow a blog, have a blog, don't understand what the heck this whole blogging thing is anyway... basically it's for anyone interested in what we do and how we do it.

Being the first in what we hope to be a series of events, Blog Out Loud will start a real conversation that will help answer all your blogging questions and many more. Because yes, even bloggers who have been doing this for a while still have questions about where this whole blog thing is going, what others have learned along the way, and does anyone else stay up until 2am doing this every night?

I hope those of you in the area will attend (and report back!), but for those who can't the whole evening will be recorded and available on the website. As for me, I hope to be attending (speaking!?) at the next one! Help make this first one a success so the next can be even better!