Style (E)scapes: THE GIVEAWAY!

While this week was all about inspiring you with ideas for your own spring and summer wardrobe as well as ways to organize your closet... we can't forget the gifties!! This giveaway is just so awesome, I think it might be one of the best yet! Here's what you get:

*1. A virtual wardrobe consult with stylist Jennie Wrenn of the amazing Charlotte boutique CAPITOL and *2. A chic linen scarf to keep you stylish all summer (and into fall!) from Oliver & Lilly's.

Don't be intimidated or embarrassed by the lack of Prada and abundance of Forever 21 in your closet (you should see mine!) - Jennie will tell you what to keep, what to toss, and give you some ideas for investment pieces for the future! And, of course, the scarf will be a KEEP!

So, here's what you have to do luvies... read this one carefully because I'm asking for answers to a few questions to make the style (e)scapes series around here the best it can be! Also, keep in mind that while wardrobes may not have been your thing, there will upcoming series on outdoor patios/entertaining, bedrooms and vanities, bathrooms (as requested by you!), weddings, and more, so answer accordingly!

Here are the questions to answer in the comment section below as your entry for this giveaway:

*1. Did you find the number of posts this week to be:
a) too much
b) just right
c) i couldn't get enough!

*2. Left with way more content than I could fit into one week, I'm considering creating a supplement to go with this (and future) style (e)scapes for readers to download. Would you...
a) download it IF it were free
b) download it for a small fee
c) probably skip it

*3. Would you want the supplement to include...
a) all content from the week PLUS new original content
b) just the new original content
c) i don't want your stinkin' supplement!

Feel free to answer with just your letters (a, b or c - like a cosmo quiz!). Thank you so much for your feedback, and GOOD LUCK! The winner will be announced at the end of the day Monday!