Hickory Chair: The Factory Tour!

Many of you know that last week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to fly out to North Carolina to embark on a little design adventure - touring the factory and showroom of an amazing company - Hickory Chair. No, it's not stick furniture (yes, I thought the same thing). For those of you unfamiliar with the brand, maybe you'll recognize names such as Thomas O'Brien and Suzanne Kasler? Well, they both design for Hickory Chair, and that's just the beginning!

But, before I get ahead of myself - factory first! Tomorrow, the showroom!

Here's just a peek at the mini-showroom in the factory. Loved the 'you' and 'me' pillows.

Let's start with a little "did you know...?" Did you know that today's veneers are incredibly high quality compared to those of from back in the day? So, yeah, that stuff that's hanging out on your vintage or antique furniture that cracks and peels? This is not that veneer. Sigh of relief.

Safety is important. So is sanding. It helps the pieces absorb their stains better! (See, you're learning so much already!)
Amazing, amazing detail. Definitely not made in China. This is the real stuff, crafted by serious professionals right in North Carolina. Jobs in America? Yay! We like that.

I was like a kid in a candystore in the Warehouse. Seeing all these pieces unfinished gives you such an appreciation for their form, and allows the imagination to run wild with possibilities, because Hickory Chair offers infinite options for finishes!

Oh, how I love a little touch of gold. They have everything from weathered antique to high gloss lacquer and they do it WELL. By the way...

This is the finishing area. Not your typical factory, huh? Fresh air and big bright windows? It was actually really peaceful and clean.

What might have been my favorite part of the tour - the templates for all the legs and details. How colorful are these rows of pieces? It gives you an appreciation for all the options and styles as well. Amazing.
I found a pink drill in the colorful section and was VERY happy. It belongs with the pink pegboard.
Everyone loved the fabric area, but I really loved seeing the final touches put on the pieces. Talk about tufting! And check out that gorgeous finished chair! (yes, they'll do custom fabric. they'll do pretty much custom everything!)

That was the quick version. For all the photos, check out the flickr album. And for you fashionistas out there? Even you won't want to miss the showroom tour that I should have up tomorrow!